The Top 40
Karate and Kung Fu jokes and puns.

40. Why did the cupboard learn karate? For shelf-defense

39. What vegetable knows Kung Fu? Broc-Lee

38. What type of martial arts do British people like? Kara-Tea

37. What do you call a pig that does Karate? Pork Chop

36. What is the favourite drink of a karateka? Punch

35. Do you know what happened to Bruce Lee after he fought Chuck Norris? He became Bruised Lee

34. What is a Ninja's favorite food after karate class? Smack-aroni and Cheese

33. Have you seen the new karate opera? Critics are calling it sensei-tional

32. Did you hear about the ex-baker who started taking karate classes? After only 2 months of practice he already earned a black belt in tai kwon dough

31. I'm a huge fan of foreign martial arts, so I went to Thailand for an MMA competition Somebody must have given me the directions to a local Star Wars convention instead because all I see are Thai Fighters

30. There are so many forms of martial arts, it's hard to keep track of Kind of ...Kung Fusing

29. What do you call a goat that knows martial arts? Karate Kid

28. My career as a karate instructor finally came to an end The parents found out I wasn't qualified and just enjoyed kicking children.

27. There was a man who became a karate champion on Christmas day. He decided to go by the name "The Nutcracker"

26. What do you get when you mix a pig and a karate master? A pork chop

25. What happened when the black belt joined the military? The first time he saluted, he knocked himself out.

24. Your karate master is offering you a fruity drink, why should you duck? It's a fruit punch

23. Knock. Knock. Who's there? Sensei. Sensei who? I sensei bad joke coming.

22. I'm sick of martial arts I have kung-flu

21. What do you call a red-haired kid who is excellent at karate? The Carroty Kid

20. I came last in my karate competition yesterday I was kicking myself!

19. A karate instructor was arrested after leaving the shop He was charged with chop lifting

18. My wife says it's time to stop pretending to be the Karate Kid. I had to put my foot down

17. What is the favorite drink of martial artists? Punch

16. I've developed my own style of martial arts that involves defenestration. I call it Yeet Kune Do.

15. What did the Karate master say when he took back his nachos from a thief? That's not- cho-cheese!

14. Knock Knock. Who's there? Sensei. Sensei who? I sensei bad joke coming

13. It's not that I love karate I just hate boards.

12. What martial art do British people like? Kara-Tea

11. When a martial arts practitioner gets's called a ninjury

10. Why did the karate master rob the shoe shop? Just for kicks

9. What do martial arts and matzah have in common? Judo

8. I started a new martial arts that consists only on air waves I call it, Fujitsu

7. What martial arts came from Sweden? Ikea-Do

6. What do you call a bear with martial arts skills? Grizz Lee.

5. What do you call a bear that knows karate? Griz Lee Bear

4. I advise you, don't mess with me, I know karate, kung fu, judo, tae kwon do, jiu jitsu.....and 28 other dangerous words

3. I decided to teach karate to my neighbors' kid He was enthusiastic for the first 2 days but then quit before he could finish painting the fences.

2. What martial art comes from Sweden? Ikea-do

1. Did you hear about the karate champion who joined the army? It was pretty bad. The first time he saluted, he almost killed himself !

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