White Van Guys; Have van, Will travel. -by Jordan Jacobs, music promotor/writer/critic


Mark is an extraordinary guitarist with a great voice. Shane is a charismatic man-child with dilutional dreams of rock stardom. Together, they have the talent and showmanship a promoter could only hope for in an Acoustic Rock / Pop / Country / Comedy duo (and kung-fu appreciation variety act). 

When I first met Mark and Shane they rolled up for our meeting in a beat-up white van with spray painted graffiti and a too load exhaust that caused everyone at the pub's outdoor patio section to stop and look at who or what had just parked in front of the establishment. "Well,  they do know how to get peoples attention" I thought, laughing to myself as -what I can only describe as two living cartoon characters- emerged from the van and proceeded to walk my way.

Mark was dressed head-to-toe in black with a top hat, big bushy beard, dark glasses, and a cane. Shane strutted down the walk in a pair of tattered skinny jeans, Chuck Taylors, mirrored ray-bans, and a sharkskin jacket, with enough jewelry to be considered a "Mr T starter kit". It was July and I was sweating in the hot sun just looking at them. But they were cool. They sat down at my table and introduced themselves, and immediately I liked them.

As soon as they spoke I could sense their appeal; Mark is warm, genuine, and undeniably likable, a big teddy bear of a guy. Shane was thoughtful, introspective, and yet extroverted and charming. I felt like I've known them both for years. Mark started the conversation, talking about the Allman Brothers T-shirt I was wearing, ( Mark is legally blind, which never even occurred to me during this first meeting, but he spotted their logo and jumped on the opportunity to discuss his favorite band). 

We talked music and our favorite artists for well over an hour. Both guys have a true love and appreciation for a wide assortment of music. Mark is the 60s and 70s classic rock guy, Shane is the hair metal and grunge fan, but they each have a deep appreciation for a diverse array of artists, from Elvis and Chuck Berry, to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, as well as contemporary Indy bands, country outlaws and singer songwriters. Ryan Adams, Lindsey Ortega, Johnny cash and Merle Haggard were all mentioned. These guys can talk music. Any genre, any decade. 

Shane pulled off his aviators, smiled at the server and thanked her for the sweet tea refill. The kind of smile that made you feel appreciated. Not at all what you'd expect from two guys driving around in a creepy white van with "free candy" painted on the side. "It's a shtick", Mark chuckled "just a gimmick, our attempt to stand out and be funny".

And they go all out with the shtick too;  passing out candy to the ladies at the shows, jokingly offering free rides home, and flat-out pretending to be creepy. The audience loves it too. Probably because they are so likeable, and because they are truly funny. They really do have a great sense of humor and wonderful comedic timing. 

But off stage the shtick is gone, and what you get are the real Mark and Shane. Which, is the same likeable, funny guys- minus the hilariously lame attempts to pick up girls. As Shane put it, "People laugh at our jokes, they love the music we play, but I think what people connect with is the fact that underneath it all we are still ourselves. The jokes are obviously just that, but the personalities are genuine and the music is fun and heartfelt."

Speaking of music, when I first saw their set list I almost laughed at the eclectic hodgepodge of songs; Michael Jackson, Chris Stapleton, Kiss, Roy Orbison. I thought "you've got to be kidding me, this is a mess!" But once you see them live it all makes sense, and once you meet them it makes perfect sense. They play something for everyone, not to pander but because they like the music, all of the music.

“We play some originals too” Mark was quick to point out, "it’s really fun stuff too". And I must admit the originals are pretty funny; songs about white vans, kung fu, and a backstage fight with Tim Macaws bass player. They'll even throw in some covers of Tenacious D, and Flight of the Conchords (two very well known and loved musical comedy duos), just to keep the laughs coming.

"At heart we're just a cover band that loves comedy, and we write some of our own stuff", Shane offered as a simple, nice summation. And that may be true but from what I’ve seen and heard, it’s quite an understatement.

From the opening numbers including songs by Weird AL and Sir Mix-a-lot (I like Big Butt) to the more serious songs from Neil Young, Queen, and even Stevie Ray Vaughan, the guys never let up; passing out candy like it’s a forbidden treat, challenging a table of ladies to a Twister match, and crazy stories about living life on the road in a van (which I assume is just part of the act), and the laughter was nonstop.

People sang along, clapped, and left on that kind of emotional high you only get from watching performers that are passionate, heartfelt, true to themselves and the audience. It was a wild night to say the least.

But there’s something else, it’s not the comedy or Marks amazing rendition of “Wicked Game”. It’s not even the two guys on stage, it’s something ethereal and difficult to sum up. It’s an emotional undercurrent just behind the songs and jokes, a connection the audience has with these guys and with eachother. Like hanging out with old friends and reminiscing about old times, or maybe the magic of hearing a song you love but in a new way as if it’s the first time all over again.. whatever it is I can quite put my finger on it. But whatever “it” is, these guys have it.

Maybe it’s the rush of a sugar high from all the free candy, maybe it’s the roller coaster ride of laughing at a Weird Al song followed by the chills of hearing Leonard Cohens “Hallelujah" perfectly performed. Or could it be that sometimes we all just need a laugh after a another long week of the same-old-same-old and these guys offer a simple break from our routine and the average local band scene? I set out writing this to tell you, but the truth is it's probably something different for everyone. Or, maybe it's true what they say, "I guess you just had to be there". So if you get a chance to be there you should come see these two live , I’m sure they’ll play a few songs you like, and if you’re lucky they may even offer you a ride in the van or challenge you to a game of twister.





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