New Songs! We've got new songs!


This is no April fools joke. Mark and I spent two weeks in Florida (hunting down Florida Man for inspiration), and in-between the spring break festivities. We wrote a couple new tunes!

They're great too (if I do say so myself), they run through all the emotions; happy, sad, hungry, bored, desperate, agitated, spiraling into a pit of despair, before finally taking the listener right back to contentment again. 

And, there's more to come. Mark keeps coming up with all kinds of ideas! Songs about love, songs about life, songs about day, and songs about dying lilies on a window sill of an old ladies apartment as she gazes outside while reminiscing of some former lover she had in her twenties before she settled for a mediocre life with an below average TV repairman. I'm telling you, we're turning into another Simon and Garfunkel here! 

Can't wait to share them with you all.
See ya at the show,

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